Thursday, October 14, 2010

Countdown Day 3

     Today has been a busy and productive day, but it did not start out feeling that way. I am finding it really hard to sleep at night. I don't know if I am having weird dreams and they are waking me up but I just don't remember them or if it is because I know that my nights of having my husband nice and warm in bed next to be are quickly coming to a temporary end. So I woke up this morning thinking "I am just going to sleep in a couple extra hours instead of going to this playgroup". I even went as far as sending my friend a message to cancel on her. But in the end, I knew how much the boys would enjoy it, and how good it would be for me to get out of the house and interact with other Mom's. So I got up and I went and I am so glad that I did! The boys had a great time (but they got a little fussy towards the end because it was naptime). It was in a large room and the doors were all closed and there were tons of toys everywhere and crafts set up on the table! I was able to just let both boys out and they ran around and played and they were pretty much always where I could see them so I didn't have to worry. Then they had clean up time, followed by snack time while the woman leading the group read stories. Then they sang songs (Austin has been singing "If you're happy and you know it" all day! So I am really glad that I went and I plan to continue going!
      Right as we got home I had to start getting the boys ready to go to the babysitter so that I could go to a photo shoot, but I got a surprise call from my husband telling me that he could meet me for lunch! So we dropped off the boys and had lunch together and ran a couple hours. The woman I did photos for was nice enough to let me come a little late so I didn't have to miss out on the time with David. We took the boys ABU's to get nametapes and stripes sewn on (they are going to be little E-2's!) and picked up the oil so we could go do that later. Then I went to my photo shoot, which I think went really well, but I haven't seen the pics yet! I will be working on those after I finish this!
     Finally, David got home from work so we took the boys to the sitter and went and changed the oil. It was nice to work on the vehicles together. We haven't done that since before either of the boys were born so it was a nice way to spend the evening. Not exactly a candle lit dinner, but it was still an intimate evening in our own way. . .Does that sound weird? The might sound a little weird. . .LOL!
     Now I sit here with the hustle and bustle of the busy day behind me and my thoughts are starting to catch up to me. I have been completely scatter brained for the last week or so. Even though I don't feel like I am on the brink of a break down or anything like that at this point, I walk around in a constant state of distraction. I don't feel distracted, but I find myself forgetting the most simple things, and just not ever really focused. Anyone that didn't know me that met me this week would probably think I was a complete idiot. . .lol. 
     I look at the title of this post and I realize that the time is really drawing near. Tomorrow when someone asks me when he leaves I will be saying "the day after tomorrow" but it still just does not feel real. But from what everyone is telling me, I will cry the night before and at the airport but I won't really realize he is gone until he has already been gone for a while.
     This is the perfect time to introduce a new tidbit that I will be adding to my posts every day. One of my most awesome friends made a suggestion that her friend did when blogging about her husbands deployment. She always included a positive note and I think that is a great idea because one thing I do know beyond a shadow of a doubt is that even though my husband, my other half, will be gone and in a place that is not particularly safe, as bad as that may seem I still have many many amazing blessings in my life! The two most important of which would be my boys! And a have a long distance support system with friends and family, I also have a couple of friends here and hope to expand and make new friends while he is gone. So even when things seem bad, there is always lots of good too! So, my positive note for the day (I will come up with a witty name for it later) is that we got word that after David's first set of training he will be able to return home for 2 weeks! And even better, he will be home during Thanksgiving! See, always a silver lining!
     Well, on that note I have lots of photo edits to get to and a pregnant lady that will hunt me down if I don't get her some pics soon! LOL! Have a great night!

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